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Wine On Tap: ALL You Need To Know

June 11, 2022
Wine On Tap: ALL You Need To Know

Wine on tap? Yes, please! Wine on tap is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. As are other tap means like draft cocktails.Draft wine is more environmentally friendly than wine in bottles. Since there's no need for packaging or shipping. It's also a convenient way to enjoy your favorite wines by the glass without having to open a bottle each time. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good glass of wine?If you're looking to learn more about draught wine, you've come to the right place.In this blog post, we'll explore draft wine benefits of drinking wine from a keg. So sit back, relax, and let's get started!

Why Wine on Tap and Kegged Wine?

Tapped wine has a lot of benefits that you may not have considered. For one, it cuts down on waste. Wine in bottles can go bad if not consumed quickly enough, but wine on tap is always fresh.Wine on tap also eliminates the need for expensive packaging materials, like foil and paper labels. And because wine on tap is served in reusable kegs. It's much better for the environment.Draft wine also allows you to customize your serving size. Whether you're looking for a taster, a half-glass, or a full bottle, wine on tap provides the perfect amount. And because wine on tap is dispensed by the glass, you don't have to worry about unfinished bottles going bad due to oxidation.Draft wine is also more economical than bottled wine. When you order wine by the glass, you pay only for what you drink. There's no need to worry about corkage fees or guessing how much wine you'll need to buy.So next time you're looking for a new way to enjoy your favorite wine out and about consider Free Flow. The pioneers of wine on tap.

Picture of Draft Wine Equipment

Draft Wine Dispensing Equipment

Picture of a draft wine dispensing unit

Pro-Line WIne Dispensers

Free Flow Wines

As the pioneers of premium wine on tap, Free Flow’s mission is to deliver the freshest, best tasting, a most sustainable glass of kegged wines. In stainless steel kegs.Founded in 2009, Free Flow's wine program has more than 250 wine brands in keg from wineries throughout the world. The F&B brand is available at retail locations throughout the United States.Premium wines in Free Flow kegs are available at restaurants, hotels, stores, and arenas nationwide – eliminating single-use plastic and reducing carbon emissions by more than 80%.By offering a premium product in a more sustainable vessel, Free Flow is changing the way people enjoy wine – for the better.

Picture of Kegs holding Draft Wine

How Does Wine On Tap Work?

Draft wine is a growing trend in the world of wine, but how does it work? The process begins with kegs of wine, which are then connected to a special dispensing system. Using high-quality dispensing equipment like 304 stainless steel parts and XFM or Barrier Tubing.The kegs are kept at a consistent temperature, typically between 45 degrees for white wines and 55 degrees Fahrenheit for Reds. When you're ready to pour a glass of wine, you simply open the tap and let the wine flow.Another advantage of wine on tap is the longevity of wine on a keg. When it's hooked up to Nitrogen, Argon, or Blended Gas. Kegged wine will stay fresh for 2 months after it's tapped. Which is a huge advantage for retailers.Not to mention a better price per glass and less of a carbon footprint with the reuse of kegs vs glass bottles.As a result, more and more restaurants and bars are offering tapped wine as an environmentally friendly and economical option.

Wine on Tap Benefits

Draught wine has a lot of benefits that many wine drinkers are not aware of and opens up more opportunities in the wine industry. For one, it cuts down on waste because there is no need for those pesky wine bottles.It also eliminates the need for corking and recorking, which can lead to oxidation and spoilage. While lowering pour costs.Draft wine also allows for better portion control, so you can have a glass or two without feeling like you have to finish the entire bottle.Finally, wine on tap often tastes better because it is fresh. So next time you are at your favorite restaurant or winery, be sure to ask if they have wine on tap! You may be pleasantly surprised by the quality and flavor.

How To Dispense Wine On Tap

For many wine enthusiasts, the thought of tap wine may evoke images of dirty kegs and cheap plonk. However, wine on tap can actually be a great way to enjoy your favorite vintages. From the first glass to the last glass. Here are a few tips on how to put wine on tap:

Tap Wine Vs Sparkling Wine

Does it matter if you put regular wine vs sparkling wine on tap? No, it doesn't. The only thing you need to keep in mind. Is the type of gas used to dispense the product, you are using all 304 stainless steel with your faucets, shanks, and couplers. Lastly, use a type of barrier tubing that can withstand the acidity of wines.Regarding the type of gas. It's been proven that a blended gas of 25% C02 and 75% Nitrogen is the best gas to use on wine. Sparkling wine will have higher C02 content and you would want to use pure C02 to match the right carbonation levels in sparkling wine.

Bar and Restaurant Draft Wine Dispensing Equipment Set-Up

  • Choose the wines: When choosing wines for your taps, it's important to select the right kind of wine that works with your dispensing system. Micromatic has wine-Back Bar Coolers that are temperature regulated for whites and reds. I would recommend this setup for dispensing draft wine.
  • You can also dispense wine from a walk-in cooler off a direct draw system. Whites can be kept in the cooler. While Reds need to be kept at ambient temperature. The only downside of this is I wouldn't want the system to be that long for the wine to travel.

Wine on Tap Best Practices

  • This leads me to say NO draft wine on a remote dispensing system. Too much product in the lines and a lot of wasted when you clean lines quarterly.
  • Use 304 Stainless Steel: Before tapping your wine, you'll need to use 304 stainless steel faucets, stainless steel shanks, and couplers. Anything that touches wine needs to be 304 stainless steel. The tubing should be rated for wine too. Some examples include barrier flavor lock and XFM Tubing.
  •  Use Blended Gas: Once your wine keg is ready to dispense you'll need the right blended gas for your draft wine system. I recommend 25% C02- 75% Nitrogen for the best results. You can also use Nitrogen and Argon if you prefer. You will also need a Primary N2 Regulator to hook up to your Blended Gas Cylinder.
  • If you are using a gas blender. You will need a Primary C02 and N2 Regulator.
  • Store and serve: Once your taps are full, store your wine in a cool, dark place. When you're ready to serve, simply open the tap
  • Maintenance for Draft Wine Systems: Wine systems should be cleaned once a quarter with a wine cleaner for the system. Like a beer system clean. You will need to take apart the faucet and couplers. Recirculate the cleaner for at least 15 mins. Purge the cleaner from the system and test with PH paper. Reassemble the parts, and tap the keg of wine.
  • Wine on Tap Best Practices
Picture of WIne Cleaner

Dispensing wine from a tap system and steel kegs is a great way to drink wine, sparkling wines, and other kegged cocktails. The wine will stay fresh and minimize your pour cost with minimum wasted wine.You'll be able to pour premium wines from your tap handle because of cost savings. And give your guests better wines while maintaining service efficiency from a keg.

Wine on Tap Best Practices


Wine on tap is becoming increasingly popular because it offers a number of benefits over traditional bottled wine with quicker service. From environmental to economic advantages, wine lovers are beginning to see the many reasons why they should switch to wine on tap. Business market sales are continuing to grow with draft wine, and there's room to grow. Add wine on tap to your bar or restaurant while keeping your service running smoothly and seeing the benefits for yourself. It would be a smart company move.


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