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Self Service Beer Taps: The Future of Bar Experience

April 22, 2023
Self Service Beer Taps: The Future of Bar Experience

Self service beer taps have become increasingly popular in the beverage industry over the past few years. These innovative dispensing systems allow patrons to pour their own beer, wine, or other beverages at their convenience, providing a unique experience that is both efficient and convenient. Self-service offer several advantages to operators, including increased sales, improved efficiency, product waste, and reduced waste.

One of the primary benefits of self-service beer and wine taps is the quality of the customer experience. Patrons enjoy the ability to pour their own drinks, which allows them to try new beverages and experiment with different combinations. Additionally, beer taps provide a contactless option for dispensing beverages.Self-service taps have also proven to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for operators in the beverage industry. By reducing the need for a staff member to pour drinks, operators can save on labor costs and improve efficiency. They also help to reduce waste, as patrons are able to pour only the amount of beverage they want to consume, rather than being served a full glass serve alcohol that may go to waste.

What is Self-Service Beer Taps?

Self serve beer system beer taps, also known as self-pour beverage dispensing systems, are an innovative and convenient way for patrons to enjoy a cold beer. These systems allow customers to directly pour their own beer from a tap, either at table tap's system, a fixed beer wall with anchored taps or at a mobile beer wall. The self-serve beer model has been gaining popularity in recent years, particularly due to its unique experience and the convenience it offers to customers.

How do they work?

At the location of the self-service tap, operators need an up system that includes an ordinary beer tap similar to what they would have on the wall space a bar, with a beer line run up from table tap to the cool room or cellar. Then there are additional components needed to enable self-service from the tap, such as a flow controller, a screen, and an RFID card reader.Customers can use an RFID card to activate the tap and pour their own beer. The RFID system and card reader tracks the amount of beer dispensed, allowing operators to monitor sales and spot trends. This technology also helps ensure the security of the system, as it prevents unauthorized access to the taps.Self-serve beer taps offer several advantages to both customers and operators. For customers, it provides a unique experience and allows them to pour their own beer at their own pace.Operators benefit from the efficiency and convenience of the self-serve draft beer system too check in only, as it reduces the need for staff to pour and serve drinks. This, in turn, can lead to increased sales and a better customer experience.Overall, self-service beer taps are a convenient, efficient, and unique way for customers to enjoy a cold beer. With the right system in place, operators can benefit from increased sales and a better customer experience.

Benefits of Self-Serve System 

Self-service beer taps have become increasingly popular in the industry, providing a unique experience for patrons while offering several benefits for operators. Here are some of the advantages of self-service beer taps:

Increased Sales

One of the primary benefits of self-service beer taps is that they can increase sales. Customers tend to drink more when they have control over their consumption, and self-service taps allow them to try a variety of different beers without having to commit to a full pint. This can lead to increased revenue for operators, as well as a boost in overall beverage sales.

Customer Experience

Self-service beer taps offer a unique experience for customers, allowing them to pour their own beer and customize their drinks to their liking. This can be particularly appealing to younger generations who are looking for a more interactive and engaging bar experience. Additionally, self-service taps eliminate the need for customers to wait in line, which in the traditional bars can be a major frustration for many patrons.


Self-service beer taps can also improve efficiency for more traditional bar operators. With self-service taps, there is less need for staff to serve drinks, reducing the number of employees needed to run a bar or restaurant. This can lead to reduced labor costs and increased efficiency, allowing operators to focus on other areas of their business.

Picture of self service beer taps


Self-service beer taps also offer convenience for both customers and operators. For customers, self-service taps eliminate the need to wait in line or flag down a bartender to order a drink.This can be particularly appealing during busy times or when there are large crowds. For operators, self-service taps can help eliminate waste and reduce the amount of waste and spillage that can occur when drinks are served by hand.Overall, industry experts say self-service beer taps offer several benefits for both customers and operators. From increased sales and efficiency to a unique customer experience and contactless options, self-service taps are changing the way the industry thinks about beer dispensing and consumption.

Self-Service Beer Taps for Businesses

Self serve taps are becoming increasingly popular in the hospitality industry. They offer a unique experience for patrons and provide operators with many advantages, including increased efficiency, convenience, and sales. In this section, we will explore how self-service beer taps can benefit various types of businesses.

Bars and Restaurants

Bars and restaurants are the most common businesses that offer self-service beer taps. Self-service beer taps allow patrons to pour their own beer, providing them with a unique experience. It also allows bartenders to focus on other tasks, such as making cocktails or serving food, which can increase efficiency and improve customer experience. Self-service beer taps also help reduce waste and increase sales, as patrons can pour smaller quantities of beer, trying different flavors and brands.

Entertainment Venues

Entertainment venues, such as concert halls and theaters, can also benefit from self-service beer taps. They can provide patrons with a unique experience, allowing them to pour their own beer while enjoying the show. Self-service beer taps also help reduce wait times, allowing patrons to get back to their seats quickly. They also help reduce waste, as patrons can pour smaller quantities of beer, reducing the amount of unfinished beer left on tables.


Stadiums are another type of business that can benefit from self-service beer taps. Self-service beer taps can help reduce wait times and improve customer experience. They also help reduce waste, as patrons can pour smaller quantities of beer, reducing the amount of unfinished beer left in the stands. Self-service beer taps can also help improve security, as patrons are required to show ID and purchase a prepaid card before pouring their own beer.

Self Serve Technology

Self-service beer taps technology has revolutionized the beverage industry, providing patrons with a unique experience and operators with increased efficiency and sales. This section will explore the key aspects of self-pour technology, from the screen and mobile interface to RFID cards and POS integration.

Self-Pour Technology

Self-pour tap technology allows patrons to pour their own drinks, providing a convenient and interactive beverage service. With self-pour taps, customers can easily control their consumption and try new drinks without having to wait for a bartender. Self-pour systems also provide operators with a more efficient and cost-effective way to manage their beverage service, reducing operational costs and waste.

Screen and Mobile

The screen and mobile interface are essential components in the system includes support of self-pour technology. Patrons can use the touch screen to select their drink and pour the desired amount. Some systems also offer a mobile app that allows customers to browse the menu, place orders, and pay for their drinks from their smartphones.

RFID Cards

RFID cards are a popular way to authenticate patrons and track their drink consumption. Customers can load their RFID card with credit, and use it to pour drinks at the self-pour taps. Operators can use the data collected from the RFID cards to monitor consumption and adjust their inventory accordingly.

POS Integration

POS integration is crucial to increasing sales, for self-pour systems, as it allows operators to manage their inventory and access sales data from a central location. Self-pour systems can be integrated with existing POS systems, making it easy to track sales, manage inventory, and generate reports.

Flow Meter and Valve

The flow meter and valve are key components of self-pour systems, as they control the amount of liquid dispensed from the tap.Flow meters use ultrasonic technology to measure the volume certain amount of liquid dispensed from a table tap, while valves regulate the flow of liquid. These components ensure that customers are charged accurately for the amount of liquid they pour.

Cooling and Foam

Cooling and foam are important aspects of any self-pour system. The beer must be kept at the right temperature of 38 degrees to ensure quality, and the foam must be properly managed by self-serving system to prevent waste. Self serve re-pour systems use glycol cooling systems to keep the beer at the ideal temperature, and special dispensing heads to control the foam.

Stock and Performance

Stock and performance are critical factors for operators using self-pour systems. Operators must maintain an adequate stock of beverages to prevent outages and monitor performance data to optimize their inventory and pricing. Self-pour systems offer reporting and analytics tools that allow operators to track sales, monitor inventory levels, and adjust pricing in real time.

Pour My Beer

Overall, self-service beer taps technology provides a unique experience for patrons and a cost-effective solution for operators. With the highest quality tech and most reliable system, PourMyBeer offers a full 3-year replacement warranty to ensure customer satisfaction.With multiple taps per screen, happy hour, and POS integrations, PourMyBeer self-serve taps, is a solution for bars and restaurants, pizzerias, breweries, and entertainment venues.Contact PourMyBeer today to learn more about our self serve full-serve beer systems and how they can benefit your business.


In conclusion, self service beer taps are becoming increasingly popular in bars and restaurants due to their convenience and unique experience for customers. They allow patrons to pour their own beer, which can lead to faster service and reduced labor costs for business owners.For more information about draft beer dispensing and education visit my blog, and for specific questions. Get in contact with me here.Cheers!

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