Beer Line Cleaning

PBW Cleaner: Your Secret Weapon for Clean Brewery Equipment

October 19, 2023
PBW Cleaner: Your Secret Weapon for Clean Brewery Equipment

PBW cleaner is a popular cleaning agent used in the brewing industry. PBW stands for Powdered Brewery Wash and is a patented alkali cleaner that was originally developed for Coors. The product is now widely used in commercial breweries across North America and is also a favorite among homebrewers.

PBW is an alkaline, non-caustic, environmentally and user-friendly cleaner that is effective in removing thick, difficult, and caked-on organic soils. It is safe on the skin as well as stainless steel, rubber, soft metals, and plastics. PBW is an effective substitute for caustic soda cleaners and household cleaners. It can effectively clean items anywhere that cannot be reached with a brush or sponge by simply soaking and rinsing.

Homebrewers across the country have cottoned on to how they can use PBW for cleaning their own brewing equipment. The product is easy to use and requires minimal effort to obtain a thorough clean. In this article, we will explore the properties of PBW cleaner, how it works, and how to use it effectively to keep your brewing equipment in top condition.

What is PBW Cleaner

PBW Cleaner, short for Powdered Brewery Wash, is a popular cleaning chemical used in the brewing and food industries. It is an alkaline cleaner of choice for many breweries due to its effectiveness in cleaning equipment, tanks, pipes, open containers, process equipment, and fermenters.

PBW Cleaner is a non-hazardous, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly cleaner that was formulated for the beverage industry to clean organic material from stainless steel, copper, aluminum, plastic, and PVC tubing. It is easy to use, safe on the skin, and rinses easily.

PBW in the powder form

PBW Cleaner's unique formulation prides itself on being environmentally friendly and safe to use on enclosed equipment. It is non-caustic, buffered alkaline detergent that is effective in removing organic deposits, mineral deposits, and stains from equipment.

The Science Behind PBW Cleaner

The science behind PBW's effectiveness can be primarily attributed to its dual-action cleaning mechanism.

At the very core, the blend of sodium metasilicate and other compounds acts as a powerful surfactant, breaking down and lifting away the stubborn grime and deposits. Sodium metasilicate is an alkaline compound that is commonly used in cleaning products. It is a water-soluble, white crystalline powder that is highly effective in removing grease, oil, and dirt.

PBW Cleaner also contains sodium hydroxide, which is another alkaline compound. Sodium hydroxide is a powerful cleaning agent that is commonly used in many industrial cleaning applications. It is highly effective in removing stubborn stains and dirt from surfaces.

The buffered alkaline nature of PBW Cleaner is another key factor in its effectiveness. The buffering agents in PBW Cleaner help to maintain a consistent pH level, which is important for effective cleaning. The pH level of PBW Cleaner is typically around 11, which is highly alkaline.

Using PBW Cleaner in Breweries

PBW cleaner is a versatile and effective cleaning solution for breweries of all sizes, whether it's a homebrewing setup or a commercial brewery. It is formulated to remove tough stains, grime, and residue from brewing equipment, including kettles, kegs, fermenters, and carboys.

One of the advantages of using PBW cleaner is that it is an alkaline, non-caustic, and eco-friendly cleanser that is safe to use on a variety of materials enclosed equipment and surfaces. It is also easy to use and readily available in most brewing supply stores.

Check out this video using PBW on a Fermenter Tank

To use PBW cleaner in a brewery setting, simply mix the appropriate amount of cleaner with hot water and apply it to the equipment to be cleaned. Allow the solution to soak for a few minutes, then scrub the equipment with a soft brush or sponge to remove any remaining residue. Rinse the clean equipment off thoroughly with hot water, and it's ready for use.

PBW cleaner is particularly effective at removing stubborn stains and buildup from brewing equipment, such as beer stone and hard water scaling. It is also safe to use on stainless steel, copper, plastic, and glass, making it a versatile cleaning solution for all types of brewing equipment.

Commercial breweries, in particular, can benefit from using PBW cleaner as it can save time and money by reducing the need for harsher chemicals and frequent cleaning. For example, Coors Brewing Company uses PBW cleaner to clean their brewing equipment, which helps to maintain the quality of their beer and reduce downtime for cleaning.

How to Use PBW Cleaner

PBW cleaner is a versatile cleaning solution that can be used to clean a wide range of equipment used in the brewing process. Here are some tips on how to use PBW cleaner effectively:

Liquid PBW

Soaking and Rinsing

One of the most effective ways to use PBW cleaner is to soak the equipment in a solution of hot water and PBW. The recommended ratio for this solution is 3/4 ounces of PBW per gallon of water. After soaking, rinse the equipment thoroughly with water to remove any remaining residue.

Circulation Cleaning

For equipment that cannot be soaked, such as kegs and fermentors, PBW can be used for circulation cleaning. This involves running the cleaning solution through the equipment using a pump or other circulation system. The recommended ratio for this method is 3/4 ounces of PBW per gallon of water.

Brush or Sponge

For stubborn stains or hard-to-reach areas, a brush or sponge can be used to scrub the equipment after soaking or circulation cleaning. Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to avoid damaging the other equipment below.


It is important to dilute PBW according to the package instructions to avoid any damage to the equipment or skin irritation. After use, thoroughly wash off any PBW residue from soak equipment or the skin with soap and water.

In summary, PBW cleaner is an effective cleaning solution that can be used for soaking, circulation cleaning, and scrubbing. It is important to dilute PBW according to the package instructions and rinse off any residue thoroughly after use.

Cleaning Specific Equipment with PBW

PBW is a versatile cleaner that can be used to clean a variety of brewing equipment. It is particularly effective at cleaning stainless steel, which is commonly used in brewing equipment due to its durability and resistance to corrosion. PBW can also be used to clean soft metals such as copper and aluminum, but care should be taken to avoid prolonged contact with these materials, as PBW can cause discoloration or damage.

When using PBW to clean equipment, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. PBW is a powerful cleaner, and using too much can lead to excessive foaming or residue buildup. It is recommended to use a solution of 1-2 ounces of PBW per gallon of warm water for most cleaning applications.

Some specific items that can be cleaned with PBW include:

  • Stainless steel tanks and kegs: PBW can be used to clean both the inside and outside of stainless steel tanks and kegs. It is particularly effective at removing stubborn stains and buildup from the interior of tanks.
  • Rubber gaskets: PBW can be used to clean rubber gaskets without causing damage or degradation. It is important to rinse gaskets thoroughly after cleaning to avoid leaving behind any residue.
  • Plastic fermenters and tubing: PBW is safe to use on most types of plastic, including fermenters and tubing. However, care should be taken to avoid prolonged contact with certain types of plastic, such as polycarbonate, which can be damaged by prolonged exposure to alkaline cleaners.
  • Brewing kettles and mash tuns: PBW can be used to clean both stainless steel and copper brewing kettles and mash tuns. However, care should be taken to avoid prolonged contact with copper, as PBW can cause discoloration or damage to this material.

In general, PBW is a safe and effective cleaner for most brewing equipment. However, it is important to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and to exercise caution when using PBW on soft metals or plastics. With proper use, PBW can help keep brewing equipment clean and in good condition for years to come.

Removing Organic Soils with PBW

PBW cleaner is a powerful solution that can effectively remove organic soils, caked-on organic soils, trub, beer smegma, proteins, stains, dirt, and other organic material from brewing equipment. It is a non-caustic, user-friendly cleaner that can be used on stainless steel, rubber, soft metals, and plastics without causing any damage.

One of the main advantages of using PBW is that it can clean items that cannot be reached with a brush or sponge by simply soaking and rinsing. This makes it an effective substitute for caustic soda cleaners and household cleaners.

After the solution has been prepared, soak the equipment in hot solution for 15-30 minutes and then either soak equipment and rinse thoroughly with water. In most cases, scrubbing is not necessary, but in some cases, it may be required for thick and difficult soils.

It is important to note that PBW is not a sanitizer, and it should not be used as a substitute for proper sanitation practices. It is recommended to sanitize the equipment after cleaning it with PBW.

In conclusion, PBW cleaner is an effective solution for removing organic soils and other types of dirt from brewing equipment. It is easy to use, non-caustic, and safe on most materials. By following the recommended instructions, users can ensure that their equipment is thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next brewing session.

PBW Cleaner Vs Other Cleaners

PBW Cleaner is a popular choice among homebrewers for cleaning their equipment. But how does it compare to other cleaners on the market? Let's take a closer look.

Effective Substitute

One of the primary benefits of PBW Cleaner is that it is a non-caustic, non-corrosive, and environmentally friendly cleaner that has been found to outperform other caustic-based cleaners. This makes it a great alternative to harsher chemicals like caustic soda cleaners.

Household Cleaners

While household cleaners like dish soap and bleach can be used to clean brewing equipment, they are not as effective as PBW Cleaner. Household cleaners can leave behind residue that can affect the flavor of the beer. They may also contain harsh chemicals that can damage the equipment over time.


Oxiclean is a popular household cleaner that is sometimes used as a substitute for PBW Cleaner. While Oxiclean can be effective at removing stains and grime, it is not specifically designed for brewing equipment. PBW Cleaner is formulated to remove stubborn organic soils that are common in brewing equipment.

Star San

Star San is a popular sanitizer that is often used in conjunction with PBW Cleaner. While Star San is effective at killing bacteria and other microorganisms, it is not designed to remove organic soils. PBW Cleaner is specifically formulated to remove these soils, making it an ideal choice for cleaning brewing equipment.

Safety and Precautions of Using PBW

PBW is a non-hazardous, non-corrosive, and safe-to-use cleaner that is widely used in the brewing industry. However, it is important to take certain precautions when handling PBW to ensure safety.

PBW is safe on skin, but it is recommended to wear gloves to avoid skin irritation. When using PBW, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding concentration and contact time. PBW should be used in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any fumes.

While PBW is safe on most surfaces, it can corrode soft metals such as aluminum. Therefore, it is important to avoid using PBW on aluminum surfaces.

When using PBW in a CO2 environment, it is important to take precautions to avoid any contact with CO2. PBW can react with CO2 to produce carbonic acid, which can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.

In case of accidental ingestion or contact with eyes, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. If PBW is accidentally ingested, do not induce vomiting and drink plenty of water.

Overall, PBW is a safe and effective cleaner when used according to the manufacturer's instructions and taking necessary precautions.

PBW Cleaner in Household Cleaning

PBW cleaner is not just for cleaning beer brewing equipment. It can also be used as a household cleaner. PBW is a safe and effective cleaner that is environmentally friendly. It is formulated to clean organic material from stainless steel, copper, aluminum, plastic, and PVC tubing.

When using PBW cleaner for household cleaning, it is important to follow the label instructions carefully. PBW cleaner is a strong alkaline cleaner, and it can cause skin and eye irritation if not handled properly. Always wear gloves and eye protection when using PBW cleaner.

One common use for PBW cleaner in household cleaning is for removing labels from beer bottles. Simply mix one scoop of PBW cleaner with warm water in a bucket, and soak the beer bottles in the solution. After a few minutes, the labels should come off easily. Rinse the bottles thoroughly with water before using them.

PBW cleaner can also be used in the dishwasher. Simply add a scoop of PBW cleaner to the dishwasher detergent compartment, and run the dishwasher as usual. PBW cleaner will help to remove stubborn stains and food residue from dishes and utensils.

In summary, PBW cleaner is a versatile and effective household cleaner that can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks. Always follow the label instructions carefully, and wear gloves and eye protection when using PBW cleaner.


PBW Cleaner, short for Powdered Brewery Wash, is a popular and effective cleaning solution used in commercial breweries and by homebrewers alike. Originally developed for Coors, it is now widely used across North America.

PBW Cleaner is an environmentally friendly alkali cleaner that is safe for use on metals, rubber gaskets, tubing, plastic parts, and even skin. It is effective in removing organic residues such as beerstone, food biofilm, dairy biofilm, and protein bases. Besides its cleaning action, the PBW solution is also a sanitizer.

PBW Cleaner is easy to use and rinses easily. To clean kettles, use one to two ounces per gallon, and for kegs, fermentors tanks, and other apparatus, use 3/4 ounce per gallon. It is a safe, non-corrosive, and biodegradable cleaner that is gentle on equipment and the environment.

Homebrewers find it especially useful for cleaning and sanitizing their own brewing equipment. Countless homebrewers across the country have cottoned on to how they can use it for cleaning their own brewing equipment. It is a safe and effective way to keep home brewing and equipment clean and sanitized.

Overall, PBW Cleaner is a highly effective and versatile cleaning solution that is gentle on equipment and the environment. Its popularity among commercial breweries and homebrewers alike is a testament to its effectiveness and ease of use.

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