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Kombucha on Tap: Serving Kombucha on a Draft System

April 11, 2022
Kombucha on Tap: Serving Kombucha on a Draft System

Kombucha on Tap is a way to enjoy the probiotic benefits of kombucha. On Tap, you can have fresh-pressed kombucha in seconds, and an alternative for customers other than beer.

Kombucha is known for its health and gut-healing properties. The fermentation process produces powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. That have been shown to boost the immune system, aid digestion, and promote healthy skin.

What is Kombucha on Tap

Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been around for centuries and is known for its many health benefits. Kombucha on Tap offers a variety of flavors, so there is sure to be one that you will love. Not only is Kombucha on Tap convenient, but it is also less expensive than buying Kombucha by the bottle. So if you are looking for an easy and affordable way to get your Kombucha fix, Kombucha on Tap is the answer.

Picture of Dispensing Kombucha on Tap

How to Serve Kombucha on Tap

Kombucha is a fermented product that is naturally carbonated. It is similar to beer in many ways, but it has its own distinct flavor. When dispensing kombucha from a kegerator or other short direct draw system. CO2 will be the pressure source for propelling product through the dispense system. While maintaining the recipe of carbonation.  As a result, using CO2 to dispense kombucha is the best way to maintain the carbonation and flavor of the beverage, or a blended gas replacing C02.

Carbonation Level

One issue with Kombucha that needs addressing. Is the standardization of kombuchas' carbonation levels. At times, one batch of a kombucha brand's carbonation may be different than the next keg shipment. Causing dispensing issues with systems at retail.  Recommended methods of maintaining carbonation are to either add restriction which will result in a slower flow. Or add a flow control faucet. A flow control faucet I would recommend is Perlick's ...

Equipment needed to Serve Kombucha on Tap

Serving Kombucha on draft requires having a balanced system. You will need to use the proper length of beverage line. The right type of dispensing gas Co2 or Blended 70/30 mix. As well as all stainless steel equipment that comes into contact with the Kombucha. 

The type of keg s will dictate what connectors you will need. Cornelius keg couplings or regular d-sanke coupler for a keg. Depending on the beverage distributor, or the type of product purchased. Standard kegs would require a "D" style coupler, and a Cornelius keg would require ball-lock connections. Regardless of the keg that is being used. It is important to note all fittings should be stainless steel.

Gas Pressure Needed

CO2 tanks and regulators are essential for serving beer and kombucha. CO2 propels the products out of the keg and through the lines to the faucet. With the correct amount of CO2, it also protects the recipe of carbonation, which gives beer and kombucha its fizz. For successful dispensing. Apply between 12 to 15 PSIG (pounds per square inch gauge). With higher carbonated kombucha, PSIG may need to be higher. 

Picture of a Trumix Gas Blender

Trumix Gas Blender from Micro Matic

A blended gas of 70/30 mix. With a blender, can also be used to dispense kombucha. To keep carbonation levels equal to C02 applied at 12-15 PSI. We would set the mix gas to 22 PSI and have a system restriction equaled to 22 PSI. Our system would be balanced, and pour at a rate of 2 oz per second.

Stainless Steel Faucets

Having a quality draft faucet can make all the difference. The acidic nature of kombucha will break down a plated brass faucet over time, resulting in a metallic off-taste. That's why it's important to always use 304-grade stainless steel faucets. Not only will they stand up to the acidity of kombucha, but they'll also provide a lifetime of trouble-free service. So when you're planning your kombucha on tap system, be sure to use only the best quality draft faucets. It'll make all the difference in the world.

Picture of a Flow control faucet

Serving Temperature

Temperature plays an important role in both storing and serving kombucha. The ideal storage temperature for kombucha kegs is 38 degrees, and it is important to maintain this temperature all the way to the faucet. This will help to control the carbonation in the drink and ensure that it stays in equilibrium


Kombucha on tap is a great way to get your fix of this delicious and healthy drink. In order to serve kombucha properly from a kegerator or other short direct draw system.

CO2 will be the pressure source for propelling product through the system. While maintaining the recipe of carbonation. A balanced draft system will pour a perfect pint every time. With the correct amount of CO2. You can ensure that your kombucha tastes its best. It's important to use only stainless steel when serving Kombucha on draft.

If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to me here.

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