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Flojet Reversal Valve: For Beer Systems with Beer Pumps

September 16, 2021
Flojet Reversal Valve: For Beer Systems with Beer Pumps

The Flojet Reversal Valve is The Best Way to Clean Beer Pumps

In a long-draw beer system. The Flojet Reversal Valve allows the flow direction to change. Saves time when it comes to cleaning your system and cleaning a beer pump properly. Without the use of a Flojet Reversal Valve a beer cleaner would have to bypass the pump altogether to make a loop for the recirculating pump to work. Unless, the establishment has installed a cleaning system in their cooler which most don't. Therefore, the beer system wouldn't be cleaned properly.

What are The Benefits of Having a Flojet Reversal Valve?

Picture of a Flojet Reversal Valve

This Reversal Valve helps change flow direction, and helps cleaning lines.

Beer Pumps

The main benefit  allows proper recirculation of chemicals through the beer system when it is cleaned every 2 weeks. Without the use of reversal valves beer pumps won't get cleaned.

 Yes, you could run cleaning solution one way on all of your pumps, but that will take up a lot of time. What about not using beer pumps in a beer system altogether?

Here's a video showing how a reversal valve works in a beer pump and beer system below.

Why Not Use Blended Gas and Get Rid of Beer Pumps?

 This could be an option. Some Long draw beer systems use blended gas. It allows the beer to travel long distances without overcarbing a particular beer. 

However, the big problem with mixed gas is Nitrogen. Nitrogen  will make beers go flat if they aren't nitrogenated beers like Guinness. This is why I prefer to use beer pumps. A beer pump doesn't require any mixed gas just c02 or air from a compressor to work. Most of the large installs I do over the country use beer pumps. From small breweries to large casinos and stadiums. Because of this I will need to Flojet reversal valves to clean these longdraw systems correctly.

Why Should You Invest in This For Your System?

 I'll always recommend beer pumps over blended gas for dispensing beer in long draw systems. The beer pumps also allow users to dial in the perfect applied pressure without compromising the integrity of beer, and because of that. Where there are beer pumps there will need to be flojet reversal valves. Flojets will help users clean their beer systems properly every 2 weeks to ensure that beer is brewer approved and customers enjoy quality beer. 

To get a Flojet Reversal Valve Click on the link.

Picture of a Flojet Reversal Valve

This Reversal Valve helps change flow direction, and helps cleaning lines.

Do you have in your beer system and not sure how to clean them? The Flojet Reversal Valve is the best option for long draw beer systems that use beer pumps. This piece of equipment allows the flow direction to change and will save time when it comes to cleaning your draft beer system.


Beer pumps are essential to a long-draw system. The Flojet Reversal Valve not only allows for the direction of flow in your beer pump to change. It also saves time when cleaning your draft system because you don't have to bypass the pump altogether during every clean cycle. Not having this piece of equipment will result in less than optimal performance from your draft system and could lead to bacterial growth and loss of sales.

For more information regarding draft beer dispensing check out my blog.

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