Beer Tap Locks: Keep Your Beer Inventory Secure

It seems like every other day, I get asked about a beer tap locks in a bar or restaurant to prevent theft. But do they work? And are they worth the investment? Let’s take a closer look. Beer locks are devices that attach to the beer faucets in bars and restaurants to prevent theft. They work by locking the tap in place. So that the beer faucet doesn't pour. This makes it difficult for someone to walk up and start pouring a beer themselves. Let's talk about it.
How Do Beer Tap Locks Work Anyway?
Beer tap locks are devices that prevent beer from dispensing from a beer tap without the appropriate key. The tap lock consists of two parts: a collar that fits around the beer tap and a key to unlock the collar. The beer lock works by preventing the beer tap from pouring. Unless the key unlocks the lock. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access beer and dispense the beer. Tap locks are an essential tool for bars and breweries that want to prevent theft. And ensure that only authorized personnel have access to their beer supply.

Are Beer Locks Worth The Investment?
Tap locks are devices placed on beer taps in order to prevent unauthorized beer consumption. Tap locks come in two pieces: a base placed over the beer faucet, and a keyed lock that secures the base to the beer tap. These locks designed to prevent beer from pouring from a tap without the proper key. Thus preventing underage drinking and excessive beer consumption. Tap locks are relatively inexpensive, and they can be an effective way to reduce alcohol consumption and improve public safety. However, beer locks can also be challenging to install, and they may not fit all types of beer taps.
Additionally, locks can be damaged or broken, which can lead to costly repairs. Overall, beer tap locks can be a helpful tool for protecting your beer investment. As such, it is important to consider whether or not beer tap locks are right for your business.
How to Install a Beer Lock
Most beer tap locks come with easy-to-follow instructions. If you're having trouble installing your beer tap lock, here's a quick step-by-step video below.
First, make sure the beer tap lock is open enough where you can slide it on the front face of the beer faucet.
Slide the lock up so the spout of the faucet is inserted into the circle on the lock. Then rotate the top portion so that the top of the lock is above the collar of the Beer Tap.
Use the key to tighten the lock so that it holds the tap handle back and in place so beer can't pour.
There is also a in-line beer shut off. That you can attach to your couplers inside your walk-in cooler. Which have a shut off valve on top. This is another alternative to keep your beer investment protected from unwanted pouring.
Where Can You Buy Tap Locks ?
Tap locks are purchased at most homebrew supply stores, or online from a variety of retailers. When choosing a beer tap lock, it is important to select one that is made from high-quality materials and that fits snugly onto the tap. Beer tap locks are relatively inexpensive, and they can save you a lot of money in the long run by preventing beer theft.
The best Beer Tap locks that I found in the industry are from Micromatic. Micromatic has a few different varieties of beer tap locks for retailers to use.

Beer locks for standard faucets

Beer locks for Nitro faucets

Beer locks for MicroMatic Faucets
One, is for regular standard beer faucets. Another is for the 304 stainless MicroMatic faucet. And they have another tap lock for nitro faucets that you can purchase online and I'll provide the links below.
Perlick beer faucets are some of the most popular in America and have their own faucet lock. If you use this style, be sure to check out a recommended beer lock for Perlick below from Amazon.
Beer tap locks are a valuable investment for retailers in the beer industry. They provide peace of mind, deter theft and help to ensure that taps are not being tampered with. If you are looking for a way to protect your valuable beer investment. Be sure to consider investing in a beer tap lock.
For more information on draft beer dispensing systems, education or other topics. Please visit my blog for a bunch of industry information from a practitioner.