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Analox AX60+ Co2 Leak Sensor Review, Is It Worth It?

September 27, 2020
Analox AX60+ Co2 Leak Sensor Review, Is It Worth It?

The draft beer business seems to be a fairly safe occupation. A falling barrel could cause injury or a dropped glass may do damage, but most people assume that once you tap a keg, away you go. Unfortunately, the use of Co2 in a draft beer system can be a silent killer.Co2 sensors have become a must when setting up beer systems. They pick up the odorless and tasteless gas. Below, I talk about one of these sensors. It is the Analox AX60 co2 sensor. Follow along as we review the co2 sensor talking about features and usability.

What Does It Do?

picture of a co2 sensor

The Analox AX60 is a unit designed to detect the presence of co2. It is for anyone who owns a beer system and dispenses beer to customers.

You may ask why you actually need one.

Co2 is a highly toxic gas that is both odorless, colorless, and can displace oxygen in the atmosphere. In a confined space, it can suffocate, inducing nausea, vomiting, and eventually death. Kegs need to be changed in establishment and if there's only one person around changing kegs. The person could be compromised if there's a small co2 leak.

The Analox will add safety to your working environment. It will protect workers and allow you to comply with health and safety standards. More importantly give you peace of mind that you aren't putting employees in harms way.

Built-In Features

The Analox AX60 has a number of features that set it apart from other sensors. Firstly, it works in louder, busy environments with both audio and visual sensors to alert you to the presence of co2. The co2 sensor is extremely visible, meaning any alerts should not go unnoticed.

The kit has will fit seamlessly into amodern bar or restaurant. The whole kit includes the internal sensor, the display unit, and the alarm. All of them have a sleek, modern aesthetic that could be mistaken for a modern stereo system.It also has a safe mode indicator to reassure you that everything is fine. The option is available to extend the kit to a 4 sensor model with a huge 8 alarms. This is ideal for anyone running large premises.


The design of the AX60 makes it a very useful safety feature for anyone with a large scale draft beer system in place. The unit is wall mountable, meaning it can be kept away from any walkways and cellar entrances.

It triggers two types of alarm, a co2 low-level warning at 1.5% then an evacuation alarm at 3%. It also has sensors for oxygen depletion, triggered at 19% for the low level, and 23% for the high-level alarm.

The alarms are extremely loud, and visual assistance is a great safety feature. High visibility strobe lights will trigger evacuation warnings.

Should I Purchase a co2 Sensor?

In summary, the Analox AX60 has been designed for any draft beer establishment, or property that has a walk-in cooler. Its ability to expand with extra speakers, sensors, and the intensity of visual and audible alarms means that even in big operations, it will not go unnoticed.

picture of a co2 sensor

A smaller business could get one at a lower price, but it may be at the sacrifice of important features that could save lives. It is also worth remembering that all these items can assist in the passing of safety inspections.

Ultimately, whether an establishment purchases this particular sensor or purchases another. What's important is a brewery, taphouse, casino or stadium. Should have one of these inside their beer walk-in cooler.

Regulating co2

Do not leave a co2 sensor as an afterthought. It needs to be regulated and even if addressed using another sensor, should be taken seriously.

If you need more assistance delivering high-quality beer visit the draft beer dispense blog. We have a number of informative articles from a draft beer professional. And if you have any further questions reach out here.


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